Upgrade your Silverstripe Site


Why should you upgrade your Silverstripe site?

The core team at Silverstripe Ltd as well as many contributors around the world are working hard to make Silverstripe even better, all the time.

Every new version of Silverstripe comes with security updates and many new and exciting features. The current version 5 of Silverstripe was released in May 2023 and has again improved usability and flexibility of the system.

But not only the framework and CMS have received improvements. Also the many modules that are available to enhance the basic Silverstripe experience get regular security updates and bug fixes that make sure your site is running at its best.

Screen shot of the Silverstripe 2.4 CMS admin interface

Old Silverstripe 2.4 admin interface

Screen shot of the Silverstripe 4 CMS admin interface

New Silverstripe 5 admin interface

Old versions are not supported

With the adoption of semantic versioning with version 3.2, upgrading a Silverstripe site has become easier. With Silverstripe 5 a new release policy has been adopted as well, which makes the release cycle of Silverstripe more predictable and reliable.

But it also means that older versions of Silverstripe are not maintained for as long as they used to be. Silverstripe Ltd has published a release roadmap on their website which helps to plan necessary upgrades to existing sites.

We know that there are many old sites around, still using Silverstripe 2.4 or 3. These versions have reached their end-of-life a while ago and need to be upgraded as soon as possible.

Silverstripe Version End-of-life
2.4 31/03/2015
3.0 12/10/2015
3.1 31/12/2016
3.x 30/09/2021
4.x April 2025

All versions of Silverstripe 3 have reached their end-of-life in September 2021. Silverstripe 4 will reach end-of-life in April 2025.

Upgrades from 3 or 4 are quite large projects because a lot of things have changed. But upgrading from 4 to 5 is usually relatively quick and easy.

In order to keep your website up-to-date with the latest features and security releases, we recommend upgrading any old websites to the latest version of Silverstripe.

How we can help upgrading your website

Every Silverstripe website is different. That's why we will closely work with you to plan the upgrade and identify possible issues.

We will upgrade your website to the latest stable release of Silverstripe including all modules and custom code.

We will replace old modules by new ones where needed and we will find solutions for modules that don't exist for the new version anymore.

And since we're already touching the code of your website, if you need anything changed, just let us know.

Ready to talk? Talk to us now about how we can help you upgrade your Silverstripe site.

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Sounds good? Have a chat today and get your project on the way!